JNW’s Halloween Challenge: Fog (Jennifer Nichole Wells)

On my way to work early one morning I suddenly felt like I was driving into the beginning of a scary movie.  I had a few extra minutes, so I stopped real quick and took this photo.  It had been a really long time since I had seen fog and fog so thick I couldn’t see down the long Expressway.  My mind of course started thinking of every scary movie with a fog element. The one that came first and foremost is the old (1980) John Carpenter movie “The Fog” starring Jamie Lee Curtis.  I recently watched the remake on Netflix.  Why remake a movie if you aren’t going to make it better?  The second fog related movie that came to mind and is a lot more interesting is “The Mist”, based on a story by Stephen King.  Mr. King’s stories have always been a favorite, but they don’t always do them justice on the big screen.  “The Mist” wasn’t a bad adaptation.  I will forever be weary of fog.  Not knowing what lies ahead makes my imagination run wild.